Letter: How to Get Biden to Drop Out
Published: 07-09-2024 11:58 AM |
Worried about Donald Trump winning in November? Drop everything and write to the three top Democrats in our state to stop this mindless support of Joe Biden. Write to Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan. Write to Rep. Anne Kuster. Write right now to tell them to tell him to bow out.
We all saw it -- his debate performance was feeble and his excuses about jet lag even more feeble. The damage to his image has been done. He can’t win. There comes a time when we all have to tell our elders, “Grandpa, it’s time to give up your car. I don’t trust you driving the kids anymore.” Well, the car Biden is driving has all of us in it. Time to give the wheel to someone else or it will be taken by a guy who will give us four years of road rage.
The Democratic Party has been complicit in this from the start, by not supporting an open primary. Tell Shaheen, Hassan and Custer they have one final chance to fix this. Tell them it’s not about loyalty to an individual and certainly not to a party. It’s about what’s best for the country. If enough of us start yelling, maybe they’ll hear us down there in DC.
Dale Coye