Letter: Money talks, words immobilize
Published: 04-28-2023 8:38 AM |
When the U.S. Supreme Court determined in Citizens United case that corporations are people, it made a pact with the devilish money gods who, among other things, keep immobilizing cultural problem-solving with mean-spirited language.
The latest sad example of the erosion of trust in the judicial branch of government was the millions of dollars spent electing a Wisconsin Supreme Court judge. During the Trump era, the Republicans stuff various courts with conservatives, who typically support gerrymandering, suppression of labor and women’s rights, gun safety issues and greedy corporate pay-to-play lobbying and politics.
Trump-like politicians continue to spread doubt and insecurity with fearful language like “woke” and “Critical Race Theory.” Although many good politicians remain busy seeking solutions to various problems, the money gods are very impactful, typically causing gridlock. Even when enlightened legislation passes, the lobbyists usually tinker with the details wording of various rules. Thus, greedy Big Pharma, oil and banks continue to be subsidized by the government.
Ironically, the social safety net for the truly needy remains badly broken because the distorted narrative is that so-called “welfare mothers” and other “lazy” people are ripping off the taxypayers.
Mike Beebe