Franklin Pierce University students give climate presentation

Franklin Pierce University students, interns and professors at Cathedral of the Pines Nov. 7. COURTESY PHOTO
Published: 11-15-2023 2:08 PM |
Seven Franklin Pierce University interns from the Institute for Climate Action gave a presentation at the Rindge Chamber of Commerce’s Business After Hours event Nov. 7 at the Cathedral of the Pines Hilltop House.
Interns Teresa Deasy, David Talbot, Molly Wiederhold, Connor Doolittle, Robert Morgan, John Viens and Abbey Whitley researched and developed a presentation to help local Rindge businesses, nonprofits and residents understand climate change and the need for action. The focus of the presentation was the reality and risks of the climate crisis from the perspective of the interns and some of the potential solutions for saving money and the planet.
The interns are from a variety of New York and New England regions threatened by the climate crisis. Each student spoke about the risks to their communities and potential solutions for mitigation or adaptation. They covered topics such as lobster fishing off the coast of Maine, maple sugaring in Vermont and sea level rise and storm threats to Long Island in New York.
The students urged the audience to consider supporting a statewide climate action plan, weatherizing their home (NH Saves could help pay for it), get their towns to consider community power, talking to friends family about climate change, supporting legislative proposals for clean energy and voting for public officials who take the climate crisis seriously.
The Institute for Climate Action is advised by professors Catherine Koning, Rhine Singleton and Fred Rogers, who were all in attendance.
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