Letter: Yet another accident on Route 101

Published: 10-22-2024 9:14 AM

"Three people were hospitalized after a three-car crash at the intersection of Old Street Road and Route 101 in Peterborough on Sunday afternoon." (Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, Oct. 15.)

About a year ago, I spoke with officials at the New Hampshire Department of Transportation about efforts to slow the traffic down along this stretch of Route 101 and suggested that the 40 mph speed limit was too fast (especially at Pine Street/Powersbridge Road and Route 101, where one approach is nearly blind). These intersections pose a situation where there are accidents waiting to happen. Fortunately, the three people hurt in the crash survived. However, I'm told there have been deaths and life-changing injuries sustained at these intersections.

State officials responding to a request to lower the speed limit replied, " ... people are going to ignore the speed limit anyway ..." which hardly satisfied my reasonable inquiry. I suggested that a traffic study be made exploring variables like lines of sight at these intersections, speeds both posted and actual, etc. Response? "We'll look into it". I followed with, "Will you please let me know?" To date, nothing.  I suppose that the department has lots of work and limited resources, but I wonder how many more accidents need to happen before traffic is slowed?

Mike Lambert


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