Letter: A holiday riddle
Published: 12-17-2024 12:35 PM |
What do you use for 12 minutes but lasts for 500 years? Answer -- a plastic bag.
Why is this a holiday riddle? Because at holiday times we create 25% more household waste, much of it unnecessary plastic packaging. And this is not a gift to our families, friends or the earth. Plastics don't become part of the earth; they break down into tiny microplastics now found in every corner of the environment, including the human body.
Studies show microplastics in our lungs, liver, heart and brain increase our chances of heart attack, stroke or death. It's hard to imagine our lives without plastic. But we can say no to plastic shopping bags. We humans use approximately 5 trillion plastic bags a year. Get in the habit of bringing a reusable bag with you when you shop. And try real reusable cups, dishes and silverware for your holiday entertaining. 'Tis the season for less plastic!
Kathy Manfre
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