Take part in our trivia contest

Published: 01-07-2025 1:01 PM |
As part of our 175th anniversary celebration, the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript asked 175 trivia questions about the Monadnock region. Of those 175, we picked the following 30 for our trivia contest.
If you think you know the answers, send an email to news@ledgertranscript.com. Those who get all the answers correct will be entered into a drawing for a Ledger-Transcript subscription.
1. A telephone pay station (booth) was installed in Greenfield in 1955. Where was it located ?
2. The Antrim Town Hall, Presbyterian Church and the bandstand were all built the same year. What year was it?
3. Where is the Homer J. Belletete Memorial Parking Area in Sharon?
4. What is the oldest building on Main Street in Wilton?
5. Who is buried in the Smallpox Cemetery in Rindge, and what is unique about the date on one of the tombstones?
6. Name the seven villages in New Ipswich.
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7. Where was famous piano manufacturer Jonas Chickering born?
8. Charlonne, Ellison and Stratton were not the original names of the streets in Jaffrey. Why were they changed?
9. Where was the first meetinghouse in Dublin located?
10. Where is Cass’s Corner in Peterborough?
11. Where is Potter Woods?
12. When was the New Ipswich Historical Society established?
13. Which Rindge seasonal resident funded the glass flowers at the Peabody Museum at Harvard University, purchased and donated Rhododendron State Park, the West Rindge Common and started the Rindge Museum?
14. Why was the household of renowned artist Abbott Thayer (1849-1921) considered a bit eccentric?
15. The first railroad engine that arrived in Wilton on Dec. 16, 1851, ran on what fuel?
16. When did the covered bridge in Bennington burn?
17. When was Sharon’s meetinghouse built?
18. At one time, there were 14 school districts in Antrim, but when and where was the first high school built?
19. What was the name of the largest ice company shipping ice out of Greenfield?
20. Who built the pool at Adams Playground in Peterborough?
21. What was the logo of the Peterborough High School?
22. Beginning at the sport store on Peterborough Street, going toward Main Street, how many private homes have been removed in Jaffrey to permit business growth?
23. Why was a road in Dublin named Gold Mine Road?
24. Who were Milt’s Tigers?
25. Where was Otter Lake Park in Greenfield where a steamboat ran one year?
26. How many acres is the Robert P. Bass Memorial Town Forest in Sharon?
27. When did the railroad stop running through Bennington?
28. What organic yogurt company got its start in Wilton?
29. When did Dublin Consolidated School open and what did it replace?
30. Where was the bowling alley located in Rindge?