Souhegan Valley Chorus schedules rehearsals

Published: 09-04-2024 8:30 AM

MUSICSouhegan Valley Chorus schedules rehearsals

Souhegan Valley Chorus invites individuals who love to sing to open rehearsals for the fall season Tuesdays, Sept.10 and 17 at First Congregational Church, 10 Union St. in Milford

Registration starts at 6:30 p.m. and rehearsal will begin at 7 p.m.

Souhegan Valley Chorus is an unauditioned community chorus directed by Jennifer Erdody and accompanied by Kimberly Vars Whitehead. SVC singers range in age from high school to senior, have a wide range of abilities and experience and come from towns throughout the Souhegan Valley. SVC performs a variety of choral music genres and puts on two concerts each year, including the holiday concert in December. The chorus also sings at various local community events throughout the year.

SVC’s weekly rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. in the First Congregational Church in Milford from September to December. The first two rehearsals of the fall season are open for interested vocalists to visit and learn about SVC. 

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