Top Wilton police officers get raises


Monadnock Ledger-Transcript

Published: 05-23-2024 8:30 AM

The Wilton Select Board authorized a pay rate increase for senior officers of the Wilton Police Department Monday evening. 

Previously, senior officers received an additional $3 an hour on top of their salary, which has been increased to $6 an hour following the Select Board’s decision. According to Select Board Chair D.J. Garcia, this brings senior officers’ salary to $101,723 a year. Entry-level officers already receive an additional $6.84 cents an hour on top of their salary, bringing it to just over $70,700 a year.

The Select Board authorized the increase in order to help the Wilton Police Department with attracting and retaining officers on the force. The increase will allow the Wilton Police Department to offer competitive salaries so the department doesn’t lose officers to larger neighboring towns who can offer higher salaries. 

“The Town of Wilton has made efforts over the years to maintain our officers to the best of our ability,” Garcia said. “But the fact is there’s a lot of opportunity for officers to leave our force and go and join another.”

The Police Department and town finance officer worked together to present options for the select board to choose, and there was a brief deliberation.

Town Administrator Nick Germain noted that the current structure of the Wilton police force was determined many years ago, without taking into account the market challenges and cost increases of recent years. He felt the pay increase was necessary to keep up with market demands, and also suggested the board consider evaluating the Police Department’s structure to see if it needs updating.

Germain added that many other New Hampshire towns of all sizes are struggling to attract and retain officers, but that Wilton was lucky that its department currently only has one open position. He concluded by praising the work of the Police Department.

Select Board member Tom Schultz agreed, and noted that Bedford, Manchester and the State Police had significant vacancies on their respective forces. He noted he was in favor of a rate increase. Member Kermit Wiliams and Garcia echoed his sentiments. Ultimately, between the hourly $3 and $4 options presented to the Select Board, they approved the $3 raise.

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