Chimney pipe likely to blame in Antrim fire

Anrim firefighters at a home at 128 Pierce Lake Road on Saturday. 

Anrim firefighters at a home at 128 Pierce Lake Road on Saturday.  COURTESY PHOTO ANTRIM FIRE DEPARTMENT

A woodstove chimney caused a fire at a Pierce Lake home on Saturday. 

A woodstove chimney caused a fire at a Pierce Lake home on Saturday.  COURTESY PHOTO ANTRIM FIRE DEPARTMENT

Members of the Antrim Fire Department as well as mutual aid responders from six other towns responded to a fire at a Pierce Lake home. 

Members of the Antrim Fire Department as well as mutual aid responders from six other towns responded to a fire at a Pierce Lake home.  COURTESY PHOTO ANTRIM FIRE DEPARTMENT


Monadnock Ledger-Transcript

Published: 02-03-2025 11:09 AM

The Antrim Fire Department responded to a house fire around 11 a.m. on Saturday at 128 Pierce Lake Road in Antrim.

Firefighters arrived at the scene to find heavy smoke pouring out of the eaves of a one-story wood-frame lake cottage. According to Antrim Fire, the crew of Engine 1 made a forcible entry through the front door and quickly extinguished the fire, which had been contained to the living room. The department reports that the fire seemed to originate from the woodstove chimney pipe at the point where the pipe went through the ceiling and the roof.

The fire caused significant damage to portions of the ceiling, roof, and the interior of the home. No residents were home at the time of the fire.

The department was able to draw water from a hydrant on Elm Ave. Crews from Bennington, Deering, Francestown, Hancock, Hillsborough and Peterborough all provided aid.

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