Keyword search: Hancock NH
Hancock Town Library, 25 Main St., will host mah jongg classes with Susan Geer Tuesdays. Sept. 19 and 26 and Oct. 3 and 10 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Daniels RoomThe library will be hosting a beginner class for those who would like to learn the game...
Hancock resident and certified Medicare counselor Sue MacKillop will guide attendees through Medicare’s open enrollment Thursday, Sept. 7, at 7 p.m. in the Daniels Room of Hancock Town Library, 25 Main St.Open enrollment is Oct. 15 to Dec 7. Every...
The Harris Center for Conservation and Education unveiled a new modeling software being used to combat falling kestrel populations nationally and regionally during an update on the American Kestrel Partnership Tuesday night. Presented on Zoom to 20...
Watercolor artist Francelia Clark of Hancock has gathered a couple decades of her work for an exhibit titled “Joy,” which will run from Sept. 2 through Oct. 11 at the Hancock Town Library, 25 Main St. There will be an opening reception Saturday,...
The Harris Center for Conservation Education will host a native plant sale on their grounds on Wednesday, Sept. 6, from noon to 4 p.m., featuring plants grown by Fassett Farm Nursery in Jaffrey.“It’s exciting to have a native-plant grower in the...
The Hancock Inn will be back before the Historic District Commission Oct. 10 after no verdict was reached Tuesday night due to a proposed metal fence on the property.Boston-based purchased the inn, located at 33 Main St., from Jarvis and Marcia Coffin...
The white wood aster is blooming, generally the last plant of the season around the property to issue its flowers, white daisy-like creations with a pale yellow center.For years, I mowed them down or weed-whacked them. They grew around the edges of...
As part of its Old Home Days celebration, Hancock hosted the Betty Pels Run for the Honey Saturday, a 5K road race and Fun Run for children. The race is named in honor of Betty Pels, who directed the race for many years along with her family.The top...
Hancock Old Home Days will take place on Hancock Town Common, 50 Main St., Friday, Aug. 18, from 5 to 7 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 19, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.Friday is the weekend kickoff, featuring an ice cream social, food trucks and concert with Russell...
The Friends of the Hancock Town Library will be hosting their annual book sale during Hancock's Old Home Days Aug. 18 to 20 at the library, 25 Main St.Thousands of books, DVDs and CDs will be on sale throughout the weekend. A special room is set aside...
You may have missed that the incandescent light bulb slipped into the annals of history a couple of weeks ago. By pure accident, we were in the Milford lighting store the morning the long-anticipated regulations went into effect. An older customer was...
The Betty Pels Run for the Honey will be Saturday, Aug. 19, with the 5K road race at 8 a.m. and the Fun Run at 9 a.m.The Run for the Honey has been held as part of Old Home Day in Hancock since 1979. It is named in honor of Betty Pels, who directed...
As I wrote, the skies were getting lighter after a morning of heavy rain. I walked from my house on Murdough Hill Road in Nelson to survey the effects of the storm on the roads in my neighborhood. I came home drenched, but with a renewed appreciation...
Hancock musicians David Young and Susan Lang (part of the band Eyes of Age) will lead “All Together Now,” a Beatles singalong Wednesday, Aug. 2, at 7 p.m. in the Daniels Room of the Hancock Town Library, 25 Main St.Eyes of Age has performed all across...
It’s nearly Aug. 1, and the signs are out along the road advertising local corn --New Hampshire corn, local corn, native corn. Turn here for fresh corn, two miles, just follow the pointing finger.There’s Ma and Pa Corn, waving, and corn ears with...
Brad Blodget, author of “Iron Roads of the Monadnock Region,” will give a presentation Saturday, July 22, at 4 p.m. in the Daniels Room of Hancock Town Library, 25 Main St., Hancock.Blodget will talk about the Manchester and Keene Railroad, focusing...
I just heard a couple of trees go down in the woods, one after the other – crash, crash -- which made the dog jump. I let him go outside to investigate and went to the window.The scene was the same as earlier, standing under one of the porch eaves...
The next race for New Hampshire governor may be more than a year away, but with Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig's entrance into the campaign, that contest — at least among Democrats — is already taking shape.Craig and the other declared Democratic...
The 100+ Women Who Care Cheshire County group recently chose the Hand to Heart Project to receive the donations for this quarter, a total of $17,662.The Hand to Heart Project provides free in-home massage and compassionate touch for people with cancer...
On Friday evening, the Farm at Wolf Pine Hollow in Hancock hosted a wine, charcuterie, and dye-your-yarn workshop. The workshop was led by Susan Driscoll and Bel Vasaar, two women who bonded over their common interest in fiber arts 12 years ago....
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