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Displaying articles 201 to 218 out of 218 total.

Francestown Select Board and Budget Committee approve proposed budget
01-30-2023 11:53 AM


The Francestown Select Board and Budget Committee recommended the town’s proposed 2023 budget without opposition Thursday night.The proposed budget is approximately $2.05 million, a 6.38 percent increase over last year. Town Administrator Jamie Pike...

Plymouth State honors local students
01-26-2023 9:02 AM

Carly Kimball of Bennington, Avery Opland of Antrim and Natalie Tremblay of Peterborough were named to the Plymouth State University dean's list for the fall 2022 semester.To be named to the dean's list, a student must achieve a grade-point average...

Letter: Give your servers a bonus
01-24-2023 9:00 AM

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of being tooled around by Big Oil. At the slightest sign of inflation following the faintest hint of its coming by the Fed, I drive up to the gas pump and see prices rocketing up by dollars. Once the...

Storm leaves tens of thousands without power
01-23-2023 4:38 PM


A winter storm Sunday into Monday left tens of thousands of people across the state without power.As of 8:30 a.m. Monday, more than 30,000 customers were without power, according to the New Hampshire Department of Safety’s Division of Homeland...

Francestown Fire Department Auxiliary schedules meet-and-greet
01-20-2023 2:39 PM

The Francestown Fire Department Auxiliary will host a meet-and-greet on Monday, Jan. 30, at 7 pm at the fire station, 250 2nd New Hampshire Turnpike South. It will be an open house and annual meeting with hors d'oeuvres and drinks while auxiliary...

Letter: To be the greatest, address shortcomings
01-17-2023 9:12 AM

It is often said – ours is the greatest country in the world and we have the greatest economy in the world. If we do have the greatest economy in the world, why are 40 million Americans underfed and hungry?If we do have the greatest economy in the...

Francestown Recreation Commission schedules events
01-13-2023 3:52 PM

The Francestown Recreation Commission has scheduled the following events, all of which take place on the first floor of Town Hall:-- Jan. 19, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. : Trivia Night.-- Feb. 2, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.: Trivia Night.  -- Feb. 4, 7 to 9:30 p.m.:...

Local students graduate from University of New Hampshire
01-11-2023 9:14 AM

COLLEGELocal students graduate from UNHThe following local students graduated from the University of New Hampshire in December 2022:-- Courtney McCurry of Francestown graduated with an MSW in social work.-- Nathan Blais of New Ipswich graduated with a...

The Grapevine receives grant ACCESS Fund grant
01-11-2023 8:36 AM

The Grapevine Family & Community Resource Center has received a grant from the John Vance ACCESS Fund, a donor-advised fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, to expand its capacity to identify, include and support individuals with...

Francestown Academy Coffeehouse debuts at Town Hall
01-09-2023 2:37 PM


The first Francestown Academy Coffeehouse took place in the Town Hall Saturday night, as around 70 people showed up to watch the pre-set lineup of musicians.The Recreation Commission collaborated with Pam and JP Stohrer to put on the event. The...

Francestown Recreation Commission coffeehouse begins Jan. 7
01-03-2023 7:06 PM

The Francestown Recreation Commission’s new Francestown Academy Coffeehouse will begin Saturday, Jan. 7, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 27 Main St.The coffeehouse will be held on the first Saturday of each month from 7 to 9:30 p.m. The first half...

Black bears mostly in their dens for the winter
11-29-2022 12:32 PM


Andrew Timmins, bear biologist at New Hampshire Fish and Game, said there are currently around 6,800 black bears living in the state.Bears exist in every part of New Hampshire except for the immediate Seacoast. The Lakes Region and White Mountains...

Towns set trick-or-treat times for Halloween
10-25-2022 7:19 PM

The following is a list of trick-or-treat times for Halloween.Antrim – 5 to 8 p.m., Oct. 31.Bennington – 5 to 7 p.m., Oct. 31. Stop by Town Hall, the fire station or the library for a special treat.Dublin – 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Oct. 31.Francestown – 6...

Democratic candidates appear at house party in Francestown
10-17-2022 12:58 PM


Three Democratic candidates made an evening stop at the home of Judy and Bob Bitterli in Francestown Oct. 15 to get their messages out to voters and raise money. The candidates who spoke and answered questions were state Senator and gubernatorial...

Local July 4 events
06-29-2022 3:57 PM

The following events will be taking place to commemorate Independence Day.Antrim – Festivities will be at the bandstand July 4, starting with coffee, tea and baked goods at 8:30 a.m. Yankee Doodle and the Dandies will perform at 9 a.m. The raising of...

Margaret Nelson receives Impact Award
04-28-2022 12:34 PM

Margaret Nelson, executive director of The River Center in Peterborough, received the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits’ New Hampshire Impact Award during the organization’s Nonprofit Impact Celebration.The award honors nonprofit employees for...

Flood waters rip through region
07-19-2021 3:24 PM


Several roads in Jaffrey and Peterborough remained partially closed into Monday, as road crews attempted to deal with storm damage, flooding, and major washouts from torrential rains on Saturday night into Sunday.Lee and Harvey Sawyer,...

Francestown native to play final Old Meeting House concert
09-10-2020 2:04 PM

 The Old Meeting House of Francestown proudly presents Marybeth MacKay and Jonah Bobo in an open air concert on Sunday, Sept. 13 at 4 p.m.MacKay and Bobo will be playing and singing Americana-style music and pop favorites. Bobo plays Mandolin, banjo,...

Displaying articles 201 to 218 out of 218 total.

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